
Product price list

Bakhtar Cable Company, with a brilliant history in producing and supplying various types of copper and aluminum cables, is proud to present a comprehensive and up-to-date price list of its products. This list includes various types of copper and aluminum cables, wires and cables of high consumption, along with competitive prices. Our goal in providing this list is to facilitate the selection and purchasing process for our esteemed customers. We are always trying to satisfy our customers by providing the best quality and services. Customers can carefully study this list, choose options that suit their needs and benefit from the advice of our sales experts.

Price list of Kabul Bakhtar products November 17, 2024


۱- The price list is valid only for the current week.
۲- The price list changes on Sundays and Tuesdays of each week due to the increase or decrease in the price of raw materials.

ردیف نام کالا مشخصات قیمت هر متر (ریال)
۱ سیم افشان ۱/۵ ۹۷/۹۵۸
۲ سیم افشان ۲/۵ ۱۵۹/۵۴۸
۳ سیم افشان ۴ ۲۵۴/۲۸۷
۴ سیم افشان ۶ ۳۷۶/۰۷۴
۵ سیم افشان ۱۰ ۶۵۲/۹۵۳
۶ کابل افشان ۱/۵*۲ ۲۴۴/۲۵۹
۷ کابل افشان ۲/۵*۲ ۵۵۱/۵۱۲
۸ کابل افشان ۱/۵*۴ ۴۴۸/۳۷۷
۹ کابل افشان ۱/۵*۵ ۵۵۵/۶۳۶
۱۰ کابل افشان ۶*۳ ۱/۳۱۵/۶۱۳
۱۱ کابل افشان ۱۰*۵ ۳/۵۷۰/۹۴۹
۱۲ کابل NYY ۱/۵*۴ ۵۴۰/۱۳۰
۱۳ کابل NYY ۱/۵*۵ ۶۴۰/۱۸۶

Please contact the number below to inquire about product prices.

Phone number: 083-34270559-60Mobile

number: 09182754141

Fax: 083-34270554

You can wait for our colleagues to contact you by completing the form below.

Product order registration request form

"(ضروری)" indicates required fields