
Bakhtar Cable Company has always supported its customers and strives to best meet the needs of your loved ones by providing consulting services and accurate information.

Contact form with Bakhtar Cable

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Bakhtar Cable Company internal numbers

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Unit Contact Number Fax
CEO's Office ۰۸۳-۳۴۲۷۰۵۵۳ ۰۸۳-۳۴۲۷۰۵۵۴
Sales Unit ۰۸۳-۳۴۲۷۰۵۵۹ | ۰۸۳-۳۴۲۷۰۵۶۰ ۰۸۳-۳۴۲۷۰۵۶۰
Talking Phone ۰۸۳-۳۴۲۷۰۵۵۵